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The equine heart rate monitor
The rider's ability to prevent, recognize, and reduce stress and nervousness makes a huge difference!
horse pulse

The rider's ability to prevent, recognize, and reduce stress and nervousness makes a huge difference!

Article by Christina Medom - https://www.facebook.com/hestenoerd The rider's ability to prevent, recognize, and reduce stress...
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The horse's pulse in different situations
horse pulse

The horse's pulse in different situations

Ruxbury works together with Christina Medom. Christina is a horse trainer and equine therapist. She...
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Horse Heart rate zones explanation

Horse Heart rate zones explanation

Ruxbury tracker continuously monitors the heart rate. This is measured in “beats per minute (BPM)”...
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Get started with Monitoring a horse's heart rate

Get started with Monitoring a horse's heart rate

Monitoring a horse's heart rate gives you a lot of insights Monitoring a horse's heart...
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